mel's puddle of thought ...
"... And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
:: from "such great heights", track two on the postal service's album "give up" ::

Sunday, December 14, 2003

so i'm getting to the point where i need to just stop telling tom anything. I need to stop calling him and i need to stop talking to him like he's my best friend and i can tell him anything. let's all be honest, no one wants to know everything and i need to just learn how to practice a little discression everyonce in a while.
it wouldn't be so bad but what i think about him and us and myself even changes so rapidly, one day i'm totally sure that i'm going to marry him and never look back, and the next i can't believe what i've gotten myself into and i get mad at him for stupid things and it just isn't fair to make him and myself thrown into emotional chaos for just some whim that i'm feeling at any given point.
i'm at this crossroads - i can feel it. everything in my life is changing. everything. the people i hang out with, the things that i do, the clothes that i wear. and work is even more important than school now... i only have a 3.5 - i was shocked to find that out! I've never had a gpa so low in all my life. not that it really matters. My dreams of going somewhere better after this are long gone. In fact, PD is mushrooming into this unbeleavable coorporation, we've tripled since i started working there in March. We're moving to bigger offices, i mean, this thing is huge. I'll probably end up just staying within PD and writing for them. Renee was proofing some of my papers for school, and she was genuinely impressed.... anyway, and all of that changes too, becuase we won't be a part of the church anymore. so i probalby won't go to seminary either. i'll just be there. and it will be good, i guess, i don't know.
i have to pay for tuition and we missed the deadline for uship waivers so i have to pay for that too, and then i have to pay for paris and i spent almost $100 at the Spectrum on Friday and now i feel guilty about that too.

why can't my life ever be simple?

Friday, December 12, 2003

... so if anyone needs to go to a barns and noble for any reason or whim while they're out here, we must go to the one at the Sprctrum, to see Chris, the music guy, who goes to uci, has great hair, and even better taste in music...

also finals are done. huzzah.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

ready... break finally arrived today!!! woo hooo!! (insert lots of excited, girlie squeeling here) I have the best boy friend ever.

..... for those of you who don't know, ready.... break is the very first SoCo CD ever... they don't even make it any more, and it totally kicks some major butt, even though two of the guys on the cd aren't with the band anymore. woo hoo....

.... i'm never gonna finish my papers now....

Monday, December 08, 2003

"...loud guitars and a broken heart make great rock & roll"
how true my friends, oh how true. and now i must get back to studing, since I haven't done any of that in quite some time.

...from a review of the All-American Rejects album