mel's puddle of thought ...
"... And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
:: from "such great heights", track two on the postal service's album "give up" ::

Saturday, January 31, 2004

i would be more upset about the commenting thing if i actually updated more. sometime maybe i'll have time to hook something else up, but for now, i have way too much happening. classes are interesting; i thought they were all going to be easy, and for the most part they are. i feel like a bit of a slaker in school. work is chaos, as usual. we're all supposed to move in together with in March. PDL sales just flew past 13 million. i think we all sort of loose sight of the global impact of what we are doing. being engaged is weird becuase i look at all sorts of things differently now. so that part of my life is crazy too, [insert long paragraph on relationship drama here] but for the most part its a good crazy.
going to see The Get Up Kids in march. excited about that. need to buy tickets for the tooth and nail tour... forgot to ask Seth for a hook up. maybe next time.
midterms are this week... guess i should study for that.

in music news, check out brand new and also the starting line, who is signed on the same label duo Drive Thru/Giffren as SoCo.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

why we all have secret longings to be british
.... its not just so we can clain james bond or candy that looks like sidewalk chalk as our own. its not so we date someone with a great accent, or be the person someone else dates for our great accent. its so we can swear. with a great accent. ....

Saturday, January 17, 2004

i know that this quarter is going to be great. here are some quotes from my new profs...

*--* James Steintrager, Comp Lit 50b. he's great because he's one of those white american english teachers who has fallen in love with japanese culture in the way that only a white american english teacher can...
.... so there is a war lord in Fullerton, and a war lord in Tustin. And you don't step foot in Tustin....

*---* Professor Schonfeld, Pol Sci 6C. he's great because he's jaded and funny and can somehow link masturbation to political science...
...we wear shirts that tell little stories..... Poli Sci can affect your personal life. You can study The Seduction by Macciaveli and John Locke in the Bedroom

Friday, January 09, 2004

soo.... what did you do over winter break?

i went to Paris and got engaged. But I didn't get engaged in Paris. that was here.

here's my ring